Friday, April 23, 2010

Thinking ourside the norm

These are some tough times for so many. With the bank failure roughing up the construction and trades, many find themselves out of work and need to figure out a different way to support themselves and their families. We think of these tough times as a hardship, but it is within our grasp to make this an opportunity. So many of us were just going through the motions; go to work, come home, eat, go to sleep. There often times was little love or passion for what we do. I suggest this be a time to figure out what you love to do and find a way to allow it to support you. I personally enjoy writing, computers and have been around construction most of my life. Before things went south in the housing market, I bought some older homes in the mid west. The first one I managed to completely rehab and basically turned a hundred year old home into a new house with new windows, doors, electrical, plumbing, rehabbed basement, heat and cooling, drywall, pretty much everything. I have been sitting on this beautiful house for a while, so I decided instead of selling it, I would give it. away.That's right, a free house. I had been hearing about affiliate marketing sales and took a couple of classes. I had a web site for my heating and cooling contracting business, I monetized this site by adding home improvement, money making and green technology aritcals as well as links to affiliate products for sale. I also have a spiritual site that was gaining popularity on line and on twitter, This is a site that geared toward eastern spirituality, new age and some Christian principles without pushing religion. More of a philosophy site. I added a spiritual store to this site to help generate support. Finally, I began my real money making endeavor. This is called With this site, I opened up a store that sells a variety of products. There are so many ways to buy products on the internet, I wanted to do something that would set me apart. When you buy on this site, you are eligible to win the house I referred to earlier as well as cash and prizes. I am setting a side a portion of our affiliate earnings to give away as prizes as well as the house itself. Also, for every 1000 sales we make, a $500 donation will be made to a legitimate charity. We are selling many" how to" products including money making products. We have links to cosmetics that also can earn a chance at the house. The lower end products are less that twenty dollars and will get you your entry into the contest. The house contest will be held after there are 10,000 sales. There will be a drawing for cash and prizes every thousand sales. Odds of winning something are about 125 to 1. Much better than most drawings or the lottery. At 10,000 sales, this contest will end and another begin. There are other raffles for houses, but their tickets are anywhere from 100.00 to 250.00 each. Here you are in with as little as 20.00 or less for a product purchase and no ticket purchase is needed. Once again. visit for more details.
OK, now that I have made my cleverly disguised sales pitch for my own products, back to what we were talking about. Find something you love or enjoy doing and find a way to let it support you. Whether it is cars, art, making things, singing, anything, make it your gift to the world and the world will reward you. Now have a wonderful time doing what you love. By the way, one last plug, check out the websites. Thanks